Financial Matters in a Surrey Divorce Case

Negotiating Child Custody and Support with a Divorce Lawyer in Surrey

Additionally, there's Contested Divorce which involves disagreements between the two parties over certain issues such as division of property, alimony or child support payments. This type of litigation requires strong negotiation skills along with knowledge of family law so it would be wise to enlist professional help if you find yourself involved in this scenario. This means that when one spouse contests the other’s desire for a divorce or disagrees with certain aspects of it such as child custody arrangements or asset division, then a lawyer may step in to act on behalf of clients to achieve an amicable resolution. This type of divorce requires both parties to agree on all matters related to asset division, spousal support, and child custody arrangements. Ask questions about their experience with similar cases and listen carefully to what they have to say; this is often a good indication of how well they will handle yours. Also, be sure not to forget about other assets or sources of income when negotiating a settlement - including pensions, investments, stocks and rental properties. This requires accounting for each spouse’s current financial circumstances as well as making projections about future earnings capacity for both parties after separation occurs. Once you have identified your needs, do not hesitate to contact local bar associations for referrals. This is especially important since it's not uncommon for divorces to get nasty quickly due to anger or regret over how things turned out - something a lawyer may be able to prevent by keeping everything civil and professional-like. Once you've chosen a lawyer (to work with), it's important to understand what your rights are during the proceedings. Divorce Lawyer Surrey

Child Custody and Visitation Rights in Surrey Divorce Cases